Year 6 Birmingham Symphony Hall Trip

Birmingham Symphony Hall

As part of our KS2 cultural enlightenment we have been kindly sponsored to visit Birmingham Symphony Hall. Our Year 6 pupils have been invited to attend the KS2 Masquerade Concert. The CBSO will take us on a musical journey exploring different instruments and genres. Please could all children attending bring a pack lunch, drinks, and […]

Year 6 Bikeability

We are excited to be working with BikeRight to offer bikeability Level 1/2 combined to all children in year 6.   Further information has been sent out to parents/carers of participating children.  

Upper Juniors Residential Trip

PGL Tregoyd House Tregoyd, Brecon, United Kingdom

The upper juniors (years 5 & 6) will be off on a residential trip to Tregoyd. Set in the heart of the Black Mountains we will be having a unforgettable adventure together! For those attending all details will be emailed to parents and guardians in due course.


Our Upper Juniors will be competing against many other local primary schools in the annual rugby TagFest at Luctonians Rugby Ground! Good luck St Mary's!!

Juniors Swimming

This term is the juniors time to get back to the pool. Please remember your swimming hat and goggles!