Year 6 Bikeability

We are excited to be working with BikeRight to offer bikeability Level 1/2 combined to all children in year 6.   Further information has been sent out to parents/carers of participating children.  

Infants Swimming

Our infants will be back in the pool this Friday, please remember to bring your swimming hat and goggles!

Upper Juniors Residential Trip

PGL Tregoyd House Tregoyd, Brecon, United Kingdom

The upper juniors (years 5 & 6) will be off on a residential trip to Tregoyd. Set in the heart of the Black Mountains we will be having a unforgettable adventure together! For those attending all details will be emailed to parents and guardians in due course.

Infants Castle Trip

We will be taking the infants on a trip to visit some local castles to enjoy their history and grounds. We will be visiting the 13th Century medieval manor; Stokesay Castle, and going on to enjoy the wonderful outdoor playgrounds on offer at Croft Castle. Full information will be sent out to parents and carers […]