Year 6 Bikeability

We are excited to be working with BikeRight to offer bikeability Level 1/2 combined to all children in year 6.   Further information has been sent out to parents/carers of participating children.  

Parents’ Evening

Our pupils have recently had tests/ assessments and most pupils have made very encouraging progress over the half term. If you would like to discuss your son/daughter's progress, all staff will be available on Tuesday 5th March between 3:30-7pm. There will be additional slots available for years 3 & 4 on Wednesday 6th March.   […]

Parent’s Evening Cont. (Years 3 & 4)

Additional slots are available for years 3 & 4 on Wednesday 6th March.   Please contact the office to book a slot with your child's lead teacher (01544 318277) or by signing the sheet in the school office. Telephone consultations are also available, again please contact the school office.

Easter Holidays

Happy Easter everyone! Wishing you all a relaxing break.

Infants Swimming

Our infants will be back in the pool this Friday, please remember to bring your swimming hat and goggles!