Lower Juniors trip to Beechenhurst

The lower juniors will be going on a school trip to Beechenhurst Lodge in the Forest of Dean. The children will be exploring the arts of sculpture trail and completing […]

Non-Uniform Day

In support of the Friends of St Mary's Summer School Fair we will be having a 'Wear What You Like Day'  in exchange for prizes. See FOSMs social media page […]

Juniors Swimming

This term is the juniors time to get back to the pool. Please remember your swimming hat and goggles!

Herefordshire School Games

This year, Years 2, 5 and 6 will be participating in Herefordshire School Games. The infants are participating in Infant Agility and the juniors in either Touch Rugby or Tri […]

Juniors Swimming

This term is the juniors time to get back to the pool. Please remember your swimming hat and goggles!

Sports Day

Come and enjoy watching the children compete for the John Spackman Sports Trophy!

St Mary’s School Summer Fair

FOSM's summer event 2024 After Sports Day, our school PTFA, the Friends of St Mary’s is holding a summer fair. Join us for lots of fun including; toy & plant […]

Y5/6 Trip to Tudor House Museum

With our years 5 & 6 we are off to visit the beautiful 16 century Tudor House Museum in Worcester for a World War 2 experience! Tudor House Museum Further […]

Juniors Swimming

This term is the juniors time to get back to the pool. Please remember your swimming hat and goggles!

Year 6 Bowling Trip

To celebrate our years together at St Mary's our year 6s will be enjoying a ten-pin bowling trip to The Grove!   Further information will be emailed to parents and […]

Y6 Leavers Service

Our year 6 leavers service will be held at St Mary's Church, and all are welcome to attend. Afterwards there will be tea & coffee, and hopefully some cake supplied […]