The Pupil Premium is a fund that is outside the main funding formula. Information on the Pupil Premium can be found here.
Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:
The government has provided this funding to help raise attainment for these children. National data shows that children who have been eligible for FSM at any point in time have sadly lower educational attainment than those who have never been eligible for FSM. Schools decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, but the funding should be to support those children.
At St Mary’s our Pupil Premium is used to support a range of targeted interventions both inside and outside of the classroom. This allows all pupils with specific difficulties to move forward. To facilitate this, the school has TA coverage equivalent to 2.7 full time Teaching Assistants in September 2023. Lead teachers meet weekly and pupils progress and the targeting of support is discussed. Pupils are tested and a strategy of support and intervention is put into place. Parents and carers are kept fully informed throughout the process and are informed as to how they can help their child. We also provide funding to enable all children to participate in swimming and school trips to further enrich the child’s whole cognitive development, wellbeing and education experiences.
“Specific funds to provide support for disadvantaged pupils and for those who have special educational needs or disabilities are put to good use, with spending tailored to individuals needs”
Ofsted April 2017
Our SENCo intervention team have provided a wide range of additional support where children require specific provision in order to achieve their potential. All TAs are involved in targeted intervention each afternoon except for Fridays. Regular meetings occur between those on the SEND register and parents/carers. This ensures all can monitor pupil progress. The SEND register is reviewed half termly. Pupil Premium is also used to support inclusion in families who are suffering financial hardships.
In 2020-2021 £17,450
In 2021-2022 £13,725
In 2022-2023 £15,683
In 2023-2024 £21,132
Current Teaching Assistant costs are in excess of £46,000.
“As noted in the previous inspection report, pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities get bespoke support which helps them to move on in their learning. In several instances, pupils who have struggled with aspects of school life elsewhere have moved to St Mary’s and responded positively to the guidance, care and support provided.”
Ofsted April 2017
2023 SATs Assessment Analysis
At KS1 100% of Pupils Premium pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Mathematics.
At KS2 100% of Pupil Premium pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Matematics.
There are currently 16 (21.6%) pupils receiving Pupil Premium of which 10 (13%) receive FSM. To insure pupils achieve their potential the school has implemented a number of strategies:
Assessment and targeted intervention occur termly and interventions effectiveness are reviewed.
For further information our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement can be downloaded below.